Installation of ERPNext in UbuntuIn

Published On: 1 May 2022.By .
  • General


ERPNext is a open-source software used by manufacturers, distributors and services companies, which is built on MariaDB database system using Frappe. Frapper is a python based server-side framework.

ERPnext helps to manage recruitment and employee onboarding and payroll, to assign tasks and follow up on them, to track all invoices and payments, to manage product’s stock availability, to track budgets and spending, and a lot more.

Setting Up ERPNext in Ubuntu 20.4

Step 1:- To make sure that our system is up to date we will run below commands:

Note:- You should always reboot your system after upgrade.

Step 2:- Ensure the installation of all Python build packages required to setup ERPNext.

Step 3:- To install Curl, Redis and Node.js on Ubuntu, run the commands:

Step 4:- Next step is to Nginx and MariaDB for serving ERPNext and storing database data respectively.

For installation of Nginx on Ubuntu run the coomand:

For installation of MariaDB server on Ubuntu:

Change authentication plugin:

Ensure you have the following settings for mysqld and mysql client as provided:

Step 5:- Installation of Bench and ERPNext (A bench is a tool used to install and manage ERPNext on your Ubuntu system. We will create a user that will run the ERPNext system, then configure the system)

Update your PATH.

Next switch to erpnext user and install the application:

Install frappe bench and git

Initialize the bench directory with frappe framework installed. Make sure you are still inside the /opt/bench directory:

Create a new Frappe site.

Step 6:- Download the ERPNext application from frappe Github repo. We will get version 13. 

Step 7:- Install ERPNext App on our site

Step 8:- Start ERPNext and finish installation.

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