Auto-Solve Google CAPTCHA

Published On: 1 August 2022.By .
  • General

Here we will be using one of the famous web-automation tool :
SELENIUM along with PYTHON………………..

Here we will be solving Google V3 Captcha which is the current and latest version of Google Image Captcha’s…

Workflow :

1) We see this kind of box which needs to be checked to move forward………..Integrating Google Recaptcha with webMethods API Portal signup form - Knowledge base - Software AG Tech Community & Forums

2)When we click on the small box we get an interface like :
Bitch, I'm a CAPTCHA test : r/bitchimabus

3) Now the images will be all different every time and the object needs to be selected will also differ , so we can’t automate this , via this route . So now the hack is we will click on HEADPHONES icon….. (Also known as Get an audio challenge…………………..)

Researcher Breaks reCAPTCHA Using Google's Speech Recognition API

4) As soon we click on this we will get an interface like :

Accessibility - reCAPTCHA Help

So basically its  a audio challenge in which we have to listen what the challenge is saying and then have to type it out in the box .

So for this we will use audio to text converter which will listen to this audio and convert it into text and that text will be consumed by us………………………………………



Libraries we will be using :

1 ) Now let’s visit a demo website which has GoogleCaptcha one of the demo site is :

2) Now lets search for Google Captcha on that website using its classname which is common on all websites , where as xpath will differ website to website:

3) Once we get the captcha we will iterate through it to find the audio button and once found will click on it.

4) When we are on audio challenge section we will download that audio and then upload it on the speect to text website to get the text and then will submit that text over here .


Full Source Code :

Video showing how this script works :



This script fails when we use private proxies which are not white-labelled , moreover using this script on same website with same IP may got you catch and marked down as bot .

If you are using proxies or have to solve captchas again and again then try using 3rd party services which can solve CAPTCHA’s for you at minimal cost.

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