Multi User Chat with (MUC,Group Chat ) Openfire.

Published On: 25 January 2017.By .
  • Digital Engineering


Openfire provides multiuser chat using smack lib in android. In the previous blog, i have explained connection creation.We need to follow the following the step to configure MUC.

  • Initialisation Connection
  • Create a new Room
  • Join a room
  • Manage room invitations
  • Discover joined rooms
  • Discover room information
  • Start chat in group

Initialisation Connection


Create a Room

There are two types of rooms that you can create.

Instant rooms which are available for immediate access and are automatically created based on some default configuration.




Reserved rooms-  which are manually configured by the room creator before anyone is allowed to enter.


Join the Room- Your usual first step in order to send messages to a room is to join the room. Multi User Chat allows to specify several parameter while joining a room. Basically you can control the amount of history to receive after joining the room as well as provide your nickname within the room and a password if the room is password protected.


  Discover joined rooms

  Start chat in group 


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That’s all for this blog

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