Google App Script

Published On: 9 July 2021.By .
  • Digital Engineering

What is Google App script

Google app script is an application development platform on which we can build an app to interact with google workspace. It is the fastest and most reliable way to connect with google apps like Spreadsheet, Calendar, Drive, Gmail etc. Google itself provides the code editor and uses GCP to run your script. We just need few clicks and anyone can access the app globally through API Key. Isn’t it amazing ?

Writing your first Hello world app in App Script

App script is very similar to javascript. We can use few prebuilt libraries, provided by google to interact with google workspace and booom!! It’s done. Follow the steps to write your first app script :

1. Go to and tab on New Project to create your new project.



2. Now you can see a file where we can write our code. Delete the default code and paste the below code to the file.


The above code creates a google doc and sends an email to the current user with a link to the doc.

3. Now click on the save button to save the project and run the app in the editor mode. Do authenticate your google mail as it is required by app script to access the google app associated with that.

Hope you have run the script successfully. Nice going 🙂

Deploying the project

Till now we have written a chunk of code and successfully ran it but to make it accessible as an api, we have to deploy it and it is so damn easy. Once deployed, we can use the credentials to run this app globally in different programming languages like Go, Java, Node.js, PHP, Python, Ruby etc. Follow the below steps :

1. Just click on the Deploy button(top right corner).
2. Click on New deployment and select app type, for ex Web app.
3. Add a neat and self explainable description to it and click on deploy.

4. Copy the Deployment ID, as it would be required to run the script from python code.

Using the app script as a rest api in python

Once deployed, we can use the credentials to run this app locally in different programming languages like Go, Java, Node.js, PHP, Python, Ruby etc. In this example, I am running the app with python code.
Follow the below steps :
1. Create the Google Cloud Platform project with API enabled.
Refer to

2. Create authorization credentials for a desktop application with API enabled.
Refer to

3. Install the Google client library :


4. Create a file, paste the below code and run.

5. Hope you are good to go towards leaning more about Google App Script and GCP. Here are few recommended links for you.

Recommended links

Enjoy leaning 😉

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