1st Month at Auriga IT – Freshers 2015

Published On: 31 August 2015.By .

“Auriga Family” is indeed a family!

It’s been a month since I joined Auriga family and it’s been quite a roller coaster ride with lots of ups and downs. First of all it was the rigorous recruiting process which tested me to all my might. Written test in college campus followed by a technical and HR rounds which unlike most of other IT organizations, were more to test our logical power and technical knowledge than just bookish knowledge. Then the big day arrived, joining day!! And everyone welcomed us with smiling faces and open hearts. All the nervousness and hesitation was gone within 15 minutes of entering the office and I already started feeling like a part of this family. Since then I am having all the fun in the world and learning a lot. And it’s not just that my work is improving but I think I am evolving into a better person in this nurturing environment. May be I hated some people here in the starting of my training for their love of perfection and ruining all the hopes of approval during our assignments but now I to understand it was just for my best and thank them for passing on their motto “Do it perfectly!!” to me. Now even I try to do things with best efforts. Environment here is just perfect to work. At Auriga Loving your work is as much important as completing your work. Birthday parties and fun activities are simply the best. “Auriga Family” is indeed a family! I am lucky to be a part of this family.

-Dhruv Jain (Associate Software Engineer )

Dhruv Jain Auriga

“Start of a new Journey”

My journey in Auriga IT started on 1st July 2015 with nervousness, hesitation and a fear of working in an IT organization. As most people say, in an IT organization you have to work very hard for very long hours. I also feared same, but after I started working at Auriga, I realized it’s not like other IT companies. Auriga is like a family where you can work and improve yourself as well as enjoy each and every moment of your work. And even though work is hard, I have learned a lot in just a month. This was only possible because of my colleagues who encouraged me and helped me whenever I needed them. I was able to know my true potential and what I was capable of doing. In Auriga everyone is so talented and helpful, I have learned so much from them. There is one more thing I like the most about people working here is that they love perfection. I am glad that I am working in such a friendly and pleasant environment.

-Surabhi Mahawar (Associate Software Engineer )

Surabhi Auriga IT

“Incredible teamwork and affection to shine like a star.”

Choose a job you love, and you will never have to work a day in your life. -Confucius

I always wondered about professional life in IT industry, but when I joined Auriga It all things became clear in my mind. I found that the office is all about hard work and fun in a combo deal. Now it’s been 4 weeks and I am working here like an integral part.
The first day of my office life started with a session about the Auriga It team, environment and benefits. Then all freshers ate some mouth-watering lunch. Just after two days our training started which was kind of cool. I learned new things about how to do work professionally. The best thing to become a star of Auriga constellation is support from other stars to shine brighter. The directors are very humble and supportive. Working hours are very flexible here, good for me because I am a sleepy person. The fun part about Auriga is Saturday gaming and fun activities. All employees play counter strike as a team. For sports we play cricket and do exercises on weekends. In total this one month of my life is an experience to become a better professional.

-Tarun Chaudhary (Associate Software Engineer )

Tarun Chaudhary Auriga IT

“A Lot to Learn “

My actual journey started when I came here for the interview. After clearing technical round , Divye took the HR round. From that interview I remembered one thing most i.e. Divye said “We opened the company to work with family and friends”. That time I thought it will be great being a part of Auriga, and now I am part of it and completed a month.It has been a great month working among a new family and understanding the professional life. I learn lot of new stuff here. I joined Auriga IT with one goal in mind that to learn and gain knowledge as much as possible. In this past one month I learned lot of things and will try to learn lot more. Here we are free to express our ideas, which help us to build our personality and achieve our goals. About Auriga people, they are very generous, there is no concept of either seniors/juniors or sir/mam . The office has great environment with supportive people. I thank all of you for support and help. It is a good start and I hope for the best. There will be lot to learn and experience.

-Akhil Sodani (Associate Software Engineer )

Akhil Sodani Auriga IT

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