Auriga Day 2012

Published On: 20 January 2012.By .


Whenever I talk about Auriga, the first thing that always comes to my mind is the trivia that Auriga is a Constellation of Stars. And it seems so true, thats what we are, a group of stars collectively working together and forming the Constellation Auriga IT. The journey, as it usually happens with startups, started with a different plan. It is Time that has evolved us to what we are and it seems that the shine is getting brighter, the path seems to be clearer and the focus on destination set.

We celebrated our first official Foundation Day on 12th Jan, 2012, thats after two years of our Corporate Existence. The whole team sported handsome black Auriga T Shirts and the mood was getting set to have an eventful day, but who knew it would turn out to be such a great memory forever. We planned presentations by the whole team and the topic was ‘If I were CEO of the Company!’. The other activities included Skits, Songs, Team Activity and Dance.


The day started with lots of last moment action and every one preparing for their own role for the day, definitely it was not going to start on time (its with all techies I guess!). Alongside the preparations, color was being filled in the day through beautiful Rangoli by Pragati and Anuradha. It all begun with the Team doing a small pooja together. The activities started by watching the Britannia video which tells ‘Zindagi har roz kucch naya sikhati hai’, thanks to TechBuddy Team for the Video and the Projector too.

Then started the round of presentations, the presentations were perceived to be formal but soon took the informal touch of a breezy talk with Family Members. The team shared their journey of life with others and I believe it definitely helped us to know each other better. Infact the findings were much more than that. We discovered that knowingly or unknowingly all the Auriga Team shares a common DNA – when the going gets tough, the tough gets going. Many of us have already had our tryst with Entrepreneurship and the others have faced challenges and have come up good. I believe the journey till now has made each one of us such that we love challenges! We love to work hard and dream big – if with a couple of people dreaming we can have such a great Team, then we are definite to have Great Results with the whole Team sharing their Dreams.

During the course of the day we had couple of interesting skits, which were very well executed considering the time spent on their preparation. It was good to see that ‘A Day at Auriga’ (one of the skit’s theme) is so enjoyable. It helped us to reflect on why there is an energy always flowing in the office. The Team Activity was a special one, though did not end all happy, coz of some misunderstanding in the rules but then the small feud that occurred shows our competitiveness. It also helped us to learn the power of ‘Zhingalala Hurr Hurr’, a Funda that our Team observes to cool down during tense situations. Its good to be fighting amongst ourselves to perform better and yet be in complete harmony.

Well the management did bore with their extra looonngg talks, as its done universally, but the cake was a good motivation to keep awake and going. Finally it was time for Sehwag Dance (A Dance without Footwork) and time to reach home.

We definitely took some Team Pics and Videos for memories, but are they really required to remember such days. When I was starting my Corporate Journey, I never wanted to leave Friends (and who does?). I believe we have been successful in creating a Family of Friends working together, enjoying together. We are now all in to set our next target, the suggestions have been noted and the Dream is building, its just a matter of time and we will be visible clear in the Sky. Till then if you are not being able to see us in the Sunlight, dont forget Sun is also just a star and we are a Family of them!

Eagerly waiting for the next 12th Jan.

Let’s Rock!

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