Auriga Day 2015 : The Year of Trasformation

Published On: 22 January 2015.By .

2015,‏ ‎We called it the year of‭ ‬“transformation‭”‬ and‭ ‬12th Jan,‭ ‬the foundation day of Auriga IT or as we call it Auriga Day.‭ ‬We celebrated Auriga Day last week,‭ ‬here at Auriga‭’‬s Jaipur Headquarters with its complete team.‭ ‬Dress code for the event was black and blue,‭ ‬and Auriga‭’‬s newly designed awesome T shirt ofcourse‭ .‭ ‬We started at‭ ‬11‭ ‬in the morning and were accompanied by all the member of Auriga.‭ ‬Gaurav and Ayush came‭ ‬all the way from Delhi to join us,‭ ‬we started the day with a full house national anthem.‭

Team Auriga

Team Auriga

Presentation:‭ ‬The celebration started with a nostalgic presentation from Gambheer Singh in form of a video that had all the cool moments from past year.‭ ‬This amazing‭ ‬video really set the mood for the day.

Directors Speech:‭ ‬“We now have all the right resources in the boat‭”‬ As always,‭ ‬Directors speech was inspirational and thought‭ ‬provoking.‭ ‬We all sat in silence for‭ ‬1‭ ‬and half hours‭ ‬and listened to‭ ‬“what we are doing and how we are so good at it‭”‬.‭ ‬Top two things to take away from it were,‭ ‬“When things get smooth then the real problems starts‭”‬,‭ ‬Divye told this while comparing the present and past scenario of the company.‭ ‬Second was said by Ronak while describing the future of the company and its aspirations‭ ‬“We have always helped starts up,‭ ‬if you look at Auriga‭’‬s journey you would find that most of our clients were and are start ups and in a way we are helping them build their dreams too‭”‬

Auriga Day Celebration

Pic from later and not at the time of speech (DT & Ronak)

Treasure hunt‭ ‬:‭ ‬After the inspirational speech from Directors,‭ ‬Mohan,‭ ‬Saurabh and Praveen organized a very interesting treasure hunting game,‭ ‬which was played with‭ ‬4‭ ‬teams.‭The task was to look for the‭ ‬“white slip‭”‬ following a trail of clues.‭ ‬Each team was given a time of‭ ‬10‭ ‬mins to finish the search and under very sketchy conditions Amit‭’‬s team won the expedition in a record time of‭ ‬6.40‭ ‬Mins.‭

Auriga IT 2015

Winning Team L-R (Nishant, Mohan,Akash,Amit,Hiren,Gunnu,Ronak,Nishu)

Funny Titles:‭ ‬It is a tradition to give out funny titles on every Auriga Day,‭ ‬hence Nishant and PK took the opportunity to give out the funny titles to each and every one of us.‭ ‬All of the titles were spot on and hilarious to say the least even as some of the titles were allegedly inspired by B-Grade Hindi movies.

Skits‭ ‬:‭ ‬2‭ ‬hilarious skits were performed,‭ ‬1st one was about‭ ‬2‭ ‬goofy terrorist who were planning to bomb Jaipur but failed miserably as one of the terrorist found out that his mother was at one of the bomb site,‭ ‬it was prepared and performed by Sahil,‭ ‬Vinod,‭ ‬Gambheer and Shubam.‭ ‬Other skit was a satirical skit on the change that IT has seen over the years with various scenarios like how clients,‭ ‬Freshers,‭ ‬Management,‭ ‬interviews etc have changed over the‭ ‬6-7‭ ‬years.‭ ‬This hysterical skit was penned and performed by Hitesh,‭ ‬Amit,‭ ‬Siddharth,‭ ‬Gaurav and Vaibhav.‭

Auriga Awards:‭ ‬Auriga IT traditionally give out‭ ‬7‭ ‬awards,‭ ‬Rising Star,‭ ‬Brightest Star,‭ ‬Energy Star,‭ ‬Clients Favorite Star,‭ ‬Exploration Star,‭ ‬Best Team and Best Team Leader but this time we added one more award,‭ ‬PK,‭ ‬for achieving small yet significant things‭ ‬for multiple projects.‭
Winners were:‭

  • Rising Star:‭ ‬Shubham Arora‭ & ‬Gambheer Singh‭
  • Brightest Star:‭ ‬Praveen Gupta‭ & Piyush Singhal
  • Energy Star:‭ ‬Vaibhav Mehta
  • Clients Favorite Star:‭ ‬Ankur Goyal‭ & ‬Gaurav Mittal
  • Best Team:‭ ‬‭ ‬‘s Team
  • Best Team Leader:‭ ‬Jitendra Rakhecha
  • Exploration Star:‭ ‬Mohan Prakash Sharma
  • PK Award:‭ ‬Somesh Soni
Auriga IT Fest

Clock Wise(Best TL,Exploration Star,Best Team, PK, Clients Fav,Rising Star, Energy Star, Brightest Star-Center)

Congratulations to all the winners‭! ‬You guys truly deserve recognition from the organization and keep up the good work‭!

Dance And Dinner‭ ‬:‭ ‬After a long eventful day we let our foot loose on some Dance Classics DJ-ed by Divye.‭ ‬Stars of dance were as usual Amit,‭ ‬Hitesh,‭ ‬Ronak and Vaibhav.‭ ‬After‭ ‬2‭ ‬hours of non stop dance we concluded Auriga Day‭ ‬2015‭ ‬with delicious dinner and after party gossips.‭

Auriga Day celebration is always fun and‭ ‬refreshing.‭ ‬In‭ ‬2015‭ ‬we‭ ‬hope to‭ ‬continue our tradition of spreading love and fun,‭ ‬doing some awesome work and performing to the best of our abilities.

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