Auriga IT English Challenge

Published On: 25 December 2014.By .

Continuing with our tradition of imparting training using Gamification, Auriga IT gave “English Protocol” challenge to all its employees last month. The rules were simple, employees were to converse only in English regardless of what they were talking about. Everyone was excited about this challenge and most of us did take it seriously.

Even though everyone tried brilliantly to keep up, a few were more diligent and followed the challenge very religiously. Sahil Pandya, Shubam Arora, Amit Harjani, Gambheer Singh, Pravin Gupta, Aabha Pandy, Nitesh Verma & Umesh Jaiswal clearly stood out in their efforts and were declared the winners for English Protocol Nov-Dec 2014

Winners English Challenge Nov-Dec 2014

Winners English Challenge Nov-Dec 2014

Congratulations on making it to the top of the list and getting cool prizes. The challenge will continue next month, so rest of us can look forward to it as well.

It sometimes seems a little over the top to ask people to speak a language that is not their first language, but in IT industry speaking English comes as a job requirement as most of our clients are offshore. A survey says that by 2050 more than half of the globe will becoming fluent in English, which gives us quite a clear picture why these challenges are necessary.

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