Basic Tests for the shopping cart and checkout flow in a E-commerce.

Published On: 16 January 2017.By .
  • Ecommerce
  • Quality Engineering

Most E-commerce Websites share a general common theme and structure in which the shopping cart and checkout flow are the most important part.

Below are some basic test scenarios related to the shopping cart and checkout pipeline which needs to be covered before release.
Shopping Cart:-
  • Add one item to the cart and verify.
  • Increase the quantity of the item from the cart and verify.
  • Add the same item multiple times and verify.
  • Add multiple items of different types and verify.
  • Remove some items from the cart and verify.
  • Remove all items from the cart and then verify.
  • Click on an item in the cart and verify that the user is redirected to the product detail page.
  • Check that the price of the cart is discounted when we apply a valid coupon.
  • Check that the price of the cart is not discounted when we apply an invalid coupon.
  • Add item(s) to the cart, close the browser and reopen the same site.
  • Add item(s) to the cart, close the browser and reopen the same site.
  • Verify the product QTY field when the product is out of stock.
  • Verify that the user is able to add a text note for all products.
  • Verify that the user is able to add any or all products to his wishlist by clicking on the wishlist link.
  • Verify that the user is able to mark his order as a gift.
  • Verify that the user is able to add any a gift message.
  • Verify that the user is redirected to the checkout page after clicking on the checkout button.
  • Verify the cart total when the exclusive tax is enabled from the admin end.
  • Verify the cart total when the inclusive tax is enabled from the admin end.

Checkout flow:-

  • Ensure that user can access the Checkout Page only after adding the product to the cart.
  • Ensure that Checkout Address Page consists of all the details of the product such as Name, Quantity, Amount, etc.
  • Ensure that only registered users are allowed to access the Checkout Address Page.
  • Ensure that Name, Street Address, City, State, Country, Postal code is the mandatory field in the Checkout Address page (Shipping Address).
  • Ensure that Name, Street Address, City, State, Country, Postal code is the mandatory field in the Checkout Address page (Billing Address).
  • Ensure that error message is displayed when the user enters invalid input in all the mandatory field in the checkout address page.
  • Ensure that Back to cart link is available so that user can modify the cart content if needed.
  • Ensure that user is redirected to Checkout payment page only after entering valid mandatory details in the checkout Address page.
  • Ensure that error message is displayed when the user leaves any one of the mandatory fields in the checkout Address page.
  • Ensure that Next Button and Cancel Button are available in the Checkout Address Page.
  • Check that a user is able to apply a valid coupon.
  • Check order price when the coupon is applied.
  • Verify the error message for the invalid coupon.
  • Check that user is able to make his order as a gift.
  • Ensure that the user is able to add any gift message.
  • Check order price when gift and wrapping charges are applicable.
  • Check the shipping price.
  • Check the shipping price tax.
  • Check the payment options.
  • Ensure that Name on Card, Card Number, Expiration date, CWW2 are mandatory fields in the Payment Page.
  • Ensure that error message is displayed when the user enters invalid input in all the mandatory field on the Payment Page.
  • Ensure that error message is displayed when the user leaves any one of the mandatory fields in the Payment Page.
  • Ensure that the user is redirected to the third party (Vender) page.
  • Ensure that the user is redirected to the third party (PayPal) page if he is going to pay through a third party payment gateway (PayPal).
  • Place an order where order total price is Zero (0).
  • Place an order where the total discount is more than the entire order.
  • Place an order by double clicking on the Submit Button.

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