Continuous Integration with Jenkins, Maven and TestNg with Github on Linux/Ubuntu

Published On: 28 May 2015.By .
  • Quality Engineering

First, Download the jenkins and install.

1. Download latest War file from the jenkins main site


Continious integration with jenkins and maven and testng on linux

2. Open Terminal and go to download folder and run

Continious integration with jenkins and maven and testng on linux

3. Now jenkins fully up and running


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4. Open http://localhost:8080/


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Configure Jenkins with Maven and TestNg
Configure Jenkins with Maven and TestNg

Configure Jenkins with Maven and TestNg

Installing maven

5. Open Eclipse and go to Help > Install New Software


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6. Paste given link in “Work With” and click on “Add” button then will display a popup, click on Ok button.

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7. Check on available plug in


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8. Click on Next button


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9. Accept the agreement and finish it


Continious integration with jenkins and maven and testing on linux

10. Will take few minutes to install maven than it will ask to restart eclipse, restart it

11. Install oracle java jdk 7

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12. Check Java path


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13. Check the java path


14. Open eclipse

Go to New > Other software > Maven > Maven Project click on Next


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15. check “Use Default Workspace location”


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16. Choose Quick start and click on Next button.


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17. Fill data in Group id and Artifact id and Click on Finish


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18. It will take some time and it will be ready for work (make sure Java SE version should be 1.7 )


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19. Maven with Testng

In maven with testng we assume that you already are working in testng and upgrading to maven .

1. Create a maven project .

2. Except your test package copy all package to src/main/java

3. Copy your test package to src/main/test .

4. Configure your testng.xml file


20. Configure pom.xml file

In Pom we have to write all dependencies that you are using in your project and plug in that you are using in your project .
See below code, if you using logging than you have to mention these dependencies .
If you are using another plugin that dependencies not displayed in pom than you should add it in pom file .


20. Right Click on Pom.xml >Run as > Maven Test

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