Creating custom Spring Events

Published On: 30 June 2022.By .
  • Digital Engineering

In this article, we will create a simple spring boot application to demonstrate sping events.

Events are one of the framework’s most underutilized but also most valuable capabilities. Spring events are published using publishers and we need a listener who listens to the published events. Any event can have multiple listner.

Spring includes functionality for creating, publishing, and listening to events in event handlers. In spring, we can create custom events according to our needs, which are synchronous by default. To create/listen to custom events:

1. The event should extend ApplicationEvent

2. The publisher should inject an ApplicationEventPublisher object

3. The listener should implement the ApplicationListener interface


Sometimes we need the ability to listen for specific application events in our spring application so that you may process them according to our logic.

For example, Sending a welcome mail when a user registers to our application or any similar action. We can also write the event processing code as a separate method in our existing application code, but it will be tightly coupled with the application. Also, Spring events can be asynchronous so all extra processing is not dependent on the main thread.


Create a Spring Project from with the spring-boot-starter-web dependency. If you have already created a spring starter project then paste this code into your pom.xml file.

Now create a new class for the event(CustomEvent). This custom class should extends ApplicationEvent.

Now create a class for making a publisher(CustomEventPublisher). This is responsible for publishing our CustomEvent and Listener will be listening to the published events.

Now create a class for making a Listener(CustomEventListner). This class should implement ApplicationListener<CustomEvent>. This class will be listening to the CustomEvent published.

Here, Thread.sleep() is used to halt the current thread for some time. This is just to demonstrate the time taken by the event listener to complete the execution. If the processing time of the custom event listener is more then we can make it Asynchronous.

To make an Asynchronous listener add @Aysnc annotation. Create a new class(CustomAsyncEventListner), example –

Publisher for Async event.


Also, add @EnableAsync to your application class.

Now create a controller for testing the CustomEvent we have created now.

That’s it! now run your application and open http://localhost:8080/event & http://localhost:8080/asyncEvent

The ‘event‘ endpoint will take 5 sec to return the response while ‘asyncEvent’ endpoint will return the response instantly.


In this article, we have learned about spring events and also created custom spring events. Similarly, you can create custom events according to your needs.  I hope you really enjoyed this article and had fun reading it.😊

Stay safe.

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