Exploring New Arenas – iPhone/iPad Apps

Published On: 9 March 2011.By .
  • Digital Engineering

Hi Everyone,

As you all know, the team at Auriga believes in innovations and constantly learning new things, I am really happy to announce our presence in the iPhone and iPad App development. We have recently ventured into iPhone and iPad App Development, currently working on a project from a Marketing Team in Canada and are close to finishing the Phase I

Apple’s ‘i’ products are one of the most adored tech products of the present generation and the potential in iPhone App Market is immense. The whole world is turning onto internet and now the power of internet is easily available on mobile phones, these applications are going to be the part and parcel of the daily life. The iPhone’s still to reach the Indian hands in plenty, we believe India is a big market for the iPhone and iPad Applications.

The iPhone/ iPad application development requires a� good knowledge of iOS SDK. The User Interface of iPhone/iPad is conceptualized around direct manipulation and multi touch gestures and the controls are based around sliders, buttons and switches. The user interface is fluid and recognizes gestures like tap, pinch, slide, reverse pinch, etc.� iOS is derived from Mac OS X, with which it shares the Darwin foundation, and is therefore a Unix-like operating system by nature. In iOS, there are four abstraction layers: the Core OS layer, the Core Services layer, the Media layer, and the Cocoa Touch layer. The applications build range from utilites to games.

Will keep you posted about our iJourney and the progress of various projects on this front. If you have any queries regarding iPhone/iPad development or iOS SDK, feel free to get in touch with me – divye@aurigait.com

Good Day!

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