Facts about content writing

Published On: 3 April 2012.By .
  • General

Before starting about the topic, we have to understand that what is the reason that is making it essential, in terms of making focus upon the content. It is just about explaining what that page is all about and why it is important to be visited. Just think about difference between a mirror image and sketch. This difference tells about more accuracy in things even a good sketch can’t compete with mirror image and this is the same with good content and bad content. A good content can easily create image of website in visitors mind and make him adhere to the website and if they are selling something than there more chances to sales conversion for good content.


So here are some suggestions about having good content:-

  • Answer the questions of visitors:- When visitor search and reaches to the website than he certainly have some questions in his mind and that is the reason why he was searched that keyword. Just try to answer about some possible questions. This gonna help in improving the user engagement and helps out to increase in social sharing.
  • Try to write what users love to read:- it is pretty clear thing that our ultimate target are the visitors not the search engines so don’t for the hard readable search engine optimized highly keyword dense content. Instead of that write a less optimized but more user friendly term.
  • Write, what people search:- It is just the expansion of previous point. This time just do a bit search about what people are searching about your targeted market. This gonna give you a more better approach and dimensions to think about writing. It also let you help in thinking in a broader way.
  • Keep it simple:- Complications make things harder to read and reduces the readers zone which reduces the number of visitors and ultimately causes the less conversion or sale. While everything in the life is getting complicated in life day by day than complicated content gets mostly ignored, even it should be in such simple language that even a 10th grade student can easily learn from it.
  • Say no to sales pitch:- This is the point where most people makes mistakes in writing a webcopy. People understand very well if a product is being sold to them or information is carrying for them. Mostly people bounce the sales pitch page or content. Instead of that be descriptive about the product, go for the information or questions can be searched by people.


Mostly these points sort out most of the queries, but still finding problems than feel free to ask in the comments.

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