First Week at Auriga IT – ” STARTING A LONG JOURNEY”

Published On: 12 March 2015.By .

I think my journey of learning started with this constellation from the day of interview, but to this fact, I was completely unknown. Before the results were out, the interaction with Ronak and Divye (on the day of PI) greatly influenced my professional and personal life before actually I came into the scene. The impact of conversation was substantial to convince myself to work with Auriga IT and its Stars. And guess what, I turned this into my favor. Finally the day came, I stepped into this new world with some mix feeling of nervousness and excitement, it was beyond my assumptions and imaginations, all what I thought the last night passed away. As It is inevitable that 1st day in the office is always dedicated to orientation, introduction, different protocols, educative conversation (To be more correct, 1 way communication 😛 ).

Mangi lal Dudi

All the member of Auriga-IT are good hearted and fabulous natured people, at the same time they are innovative and helping too. Just because of them, the environment becomes optimistic for learning and enhancing your skill-set. One of the BEST moment, I will never ever forget in my life was the TEAM introduction process. Awesome B’day celebration and Surprising Saturday activities are helpful to create a sense of belongingness to this family in real sense. Looking forward for more of this journey, actually A LONG JOURNEY with this amazing and fantastic place.

-Mangilal Dudi , Developer Intern.

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