How to be a tester to a smart tester ?

Published On: 12 December 2016.By .
  • Quality Engineering

We know time is changing and we can feel with it. Technology is improving every day and showing new ways to live our life. As a tester we can feel with it, few years ago manual testing was a way to test our application to ensure that applications and websites is bug free and can go live. Time has changed and automation testing has taken over. Testers have now got more responsibility and technical ability and they also are learning programming languages to create test script. We also feel functional testing is not enough for the website and Good UI is not sufficient to hold the customer. Customer loosing patient and don’t want to wait for websites that take minutes to download.

Here is a checklist that we should have answers before start the testing ?

1. Is Website fulfilling the client’s requirement ?
2. What is the website’s or app’s target audience ?
3. Is website or app follow best practices of loading?
4. Is your website responsive (depend on your target audience)?
5. Did your website or app run security checks that prevent from hackers ?
6. Is Browser console displayed any errors ?

Q.1. Is Website fulfill the client requirement ?

Ans 1. Tester always check for client requirement but in a small companies testers not have proper documentation or updation are frequent and tester may confuse or miscommunication create confusion so if you still not clear the requirement raise a mail to your project manager or if you have a permission to talk to client have a call with the client. Don’t hesitate. Requirement mismatch is the main reason of fail rate of project.

Q.2. What is the website’s or app’s target audience ?

Ans 2. Always keep in mind of your target audience location and his choice like which type of device and os and versions they will use and our system should work properly.

Q3. Is website or app follow best practices of page loading techniques?

Ans 3. Customer is a king of market and he do not have time to waste of loading website in browser or open page in app. The website should load in 3-4 second (good load time) and that can be achieved if you follow best and updated technique to load your web page. In market many online website are there for test your page speed, have a look some tools.

Google Page Speed Insights (

Pingdom ( they will show you which thing is right and which thing need to fix.

Q4. Is your website responsive (depend on your target audience)?
Ans 4. According to many surveys now days, user is using the smart phone rather than the desktop. The website should be responsive and should work in all Android, iphone, ipad devices. If real mobile devices are available to test on browser Device toolbar or if you can pay there are many website provide device compatibility test.

Q.5 Did your website or app pass basic security checks that prevent from hackers ?
Ans. Every day cyber criminal activity growing up . You have to be ensure that your site should follow all security checks if it’s not possible in time line than fix high priority security issues like Sql injection, XSS, Bruite force attack etc. many security checker tool are available in market some are paid and some are open source like wapati, vega, Skipfish, Sqlmap etc. if you can purchase than i recommend you to test by acunetix it’s best tool to find vulnerability use according to your requirement and budget.

6. Is Browser console displayed any errors ?

Ans. when your do manual testing, the functionality working fine but in browser console displayed error so we have to be sure that error should be fix. These type of error may create a problem for in other devices and browser. it is best that they should fix.

if you any query or suggestion please write to us in a comments.

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