How to Configure and Run Jmeter Script by Jenkins for Windows and Ubuntu

Published On: 1 November 2017.By .
  • Quality Engineering

Step-1 Firstly, Download and Install the Jenkins.

The next step is to download the Performance Plugin for Jenkins.

  • To download Performance Plugin click on Manage Jenkins, then click on Manage Plugins.

  • The next step is click on Available and then search Performance Plugin.
  • Then select the plugin and click on Download now and Install after restart.

Step-2 The next step is go to Jmeter/bin and add line in
Step-3 Then in next step create a Jmeter test.
Step-4 Run the Jmeter test in Command Prompt.

  • Open the Command Prompt and go to jmeter\bin
  • Then write the below command and run.

For Windows-
jmeter.bat -n -t D:\Softwares\jmeter\bin\opentalk\test.jmx -l D:\Softwares\jmeter\bin\opentalk\test.jtl

For Ubuntu-
sh -n -t /Users/Desktop/test.jmx -l /Users/Desktop/test.jtl

Step-5 Then add a job in Jenkins.

  • Click on New Item. Name the project as JenkinsJmeterTest and select the type as Freestyle Project.


Step-6  Add Build step

Step-6.1  For Windows

  • To do so click on Build, then select Execute Windows Batch Command.

  • Then in Command area write
    D:\Softwares\jmeter\bin\jmeter.bat -n -t D:\Softwares\jmeter\bin\opentalk\test.jmx -l D:\Softwares\jmeter\bin\opentalk\test.jtl

Step-6.2  For Ubuntu

  • To do so click on Build, then select Execute Shell.

  • Then in Command area write
    cd /Users/Desktop/jmeter-3.0/bin/
    sh -n -t /Users/Desktop/test.jmx -l /Users/Desktop/test.jtl

Step-7  Then in Post Build Actions select Publish Performance Test Result Report.
Fill the details accordingly.Then click on save.

Step-8 After that click on Build Now.

Step-9 Run the build and validate the test.

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