How to Create Custom Shaders for a diamond in Three Js

Published On: 16 September 2024.By .
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Three.js is a powerful 3D library that makes Web GL easier to use. You can create complex 3D scenes, objects, and even custom shaders with it. If you’re working on a diamond object and want to give it a unique look with custom shaders, this tutorial will help you do it with the three-mesh-bvh library. You will be able to use a custom shader that turns a regular diamond into a sparkling one. Before reading this guide, you need to read the article about custom shaders in Three JS and having a “Magic only” diamond model. Useful links will be provided later. You also need to install three js and three-mesh-bvh in the Three.js applications on your computer.

What is Three.js?

Three.js is a JavaScript library that simplifies the creation of 3D graphics on the web. It provides a wide range of features for rendering 3D scenes, including geometry, lighting, materials, and camera controls. You can load objects using different formats, create dynamic lighting, and apply shaders to enhance visual effects.

What are Shaders?

Shaders are small programs that run on the GPU and dictate how objects are drawn on the screen. In Three.js, shaders are typically written in GLSL (OpenGL Shading Language) and are divided into two main types:

  • Vertex Shader: Processes each vertex of a 3D object and determines its position on the screen.
  • Fragment Shader: Calculates the color of each pixel that makes up the 3D object.

Custom shaders give you complete control over the appearance of your objects, allowing for effects that go beyond the standard materials provided by Three.js.


Setting Up Three.js

Before diving into custom shaders, you need to set up a basic Three.js scene. Install the necessary dependencies:

This will install Three.js and the three-mesh-bvh library, which is used for handling efficient raycasting and other geometry operations.

The first step is create a scene, set up a camera, and render it all using the WebGL renderer.


Now load your diamond object. The object should be in a format that Three.js supports, such as OBJ, GLTF, or JSON. Below is a code snippet that loads a diamond object and traverses through its children to apply different materials. Here we are using OBJ format.

This code loads the diamond object and traverses through its mesh components to apply the custom diamond shader if the mesh name contains “diamond.”


Creating Custom Shaders

Next, let’s create a custom shader to simulate internal reflections and refractions within the diamond. We’ll use the ShaderMaterial class to integrate these shaders into Three.js. Additionally, we will utilize the three-mesh-bvh library to optimize ray tracing for our diamond.


This shader code implements internal reflection and refraction, giving the diamond a realistic appearance. It uses the three-mesh-bvh library to handle raycasting, making the rendering efficient even for complex models like diamonds.

Key Parameters Explained:

  • bvh: The bounding volume hierarchy used for efficient raycasting.
  • ior: Index of Refraction, set to 2.4 for diamonds.
  • bounces: Number of internal reflections before the light exits the diamond.
  • aberrationStrength: Controls the strength of chromatic aberration.
  • envMap: The environment map used for reflections.


Advanced Shader Techniques for Diamonds.

To make your diamond shader look even more realistic, consider adding these effects:

  • Total Internal Reflection: This makes light reflect inside the diamond instead of escaping, and it’s already handled by the fragment shader.
  • Chromatic Aberration: This splits light into different colors, creating a rainbow effect.
  • Multiple Bounces: Simulating several light bounces inside the diamond can enhance more realistic, but it may affect performance. Balance quality and performance based on your needs.


Optimizing Shader Performance

When dealing with complex shaders, especially those involving ray tracing, performance is always a concern. Here are some optimization tips:

  • Use MeshBVH: The three-mesh-bvh library significantly improves ray tracing performance by reducing the number of intersection tests needed.
  • Reduce Ray Bounces: While more bounces can improve realism, they also add computational cost. Adjust the bounces uniform to find a good balance.
  • Lower Resolution: For lower-end devices, you can render the scene at a lower resolution and upscale it.


Adding Post-Processing Effects

To make your diamond shader stand out even more, consider adding post-processing effects like bloom or tone mapping. Three.js provides several built-in post-processing shaders that can enhance the final render.


Debugging and Troubleshooting Shaders

Debugging shaders can be challenging, especially with complex effects like ray tracing. Here are some tips:

  • Visualize Intermediate Results: Start by outputting simple colors or vectors to the screen to ensure your calculations are correct.
  • Use WebGL Debugging Tools: Tools like the WebGL Inspector or Three.js editor can help you inspect the state of your shaders.
  • Check Performance: Monitor your frame rates and GPU usage to ensure your shader isn’t causing performance issues.


Final Touches and Enhancements:

Now that your diamond shader is complete, consider adding finishing touches like animation or interaction. For example, you could rotate the diamond or change the light source dynamically to showcase the effects of your shader.



Creating custom shaders in Three.js offers endless possibilities for achieving unique visual effects. In this tutorial, we explored how to build a complex diamond shader that simulates internal reflections, refractions, and chromatic aberration. By leveraging the power of Three.js and the three-mesh-bvh library, you can create stunning 3D visuals that push the boundaries of what’s possible in a web browser.



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