How to Test Payment Getaway Plugin in Magento Ecommerce

Published On: 22 January 2017.By .
  • Digital Engineering
  • Ecommerce
  • Quality Engineering

Below tests need to be executed before release.

Basic Tests:-

  • Verify that plugin is installable.
  • Verify that plugin is configurable.
  • Verify all mandatory fields (Like- Merchant ID, Access Key, Secret Key).
  • Verify that plugin is Uninstallable.


Front End Tests:-

  • Verify that Payment Gateway button is shown on the Cart and Checkout pages according to the admin panel conditions.
  • Verify the size of a Payment Gateway button which is shown on the Cart and Checkout pages according to the admin panel conditions.
  • Verify the color of a Payment Gateway button which is shown on the Cart and Checkout pages according to the admin panel conditions.
  • Verify that Payment Gateway button can be used without having to log-in to the seller’s web page.
  • Verify that Payment Gateway button is loaded in a timely manner.
  • Verify whether the customer is correctly forwarded to the Seller Centre of Payment Gateway after clicked on the Payment Gateway button.
  • Verify order Price on seller central while doing payment.
  • Verify order QTY on seller central while doing payment.
  • Verify order discounts/promotions prices on seller central while doing payment.
  • Verify Products name on seller central while doing payment.
  • Verify whether the customer is correctly forwarded to the ‘Thank you’ page after the order.
  • Verify that the shopping basket is empty again after the order.
  • Verify that the customer cannot complete the checkout without selecting an address or without selecting a payment method.
  • Place a simpal order and verify order details on seller centre.
  • Place an order in which product has Null SKU and verify order details on seller central.
  • Place an order in which product have special characters in Name and verify order details on seller central.
  • Place an order in which product have special characters in SKU and verify order details on seller central.
  • Place an order in which product have special characters in short description and verify order details on seller central.
  • Place an order in which product have more than 2000 characters in short description and verify order details on seller central.
  • Place an order in which product have more than 80 characters in Name and verify order details on seller central.
  • Place an order in which product have more than 40 characters in SKU and verify order details on seller central.
  • Place an order in which multilevel variants are present.
  • Place a complex order (Multi products with Custom Options, Promotions, and Coupon) as the guest user and verify details on seller central.
  • Verify discount price set by Amazon seller central while doing payment.
  • Verify Order details (Product Name, Price, Discount, QTY, Discretion, deatilsCustom Options, Images) in order confirmation mail to buyer.
  • Verify details (Product Name, Price, Discount, QTY, Discretion, Custom Options, Images) in order confirmation mail to the seller.
  • Place two orders simultaneously and Verify there Order Id’s and Payment Gateway like- Amazon Ids.
  • Verify Order Id and Payment Gateway like- Amazon at Thank You Page after refreshing it.
  • Verify Shipping price added by the seller through seller central.
  • Verify Promotion or Discount price added by the seller through seller center.
  • Place an order where order total price is Zero.
  • Verify Order confirmation mail to buyer.
  • Verify Order confirmation mail to Seller.
  • Verify above all for the Simple Products.
  • Verify above all for the Bundle Products.
  • Verify above all for the Virtual products.
  • Verify above all for the Grouped Products.
  • Verify above all for the Downloadable Products.
  • Verify above all for the Configurable Products.


Back-End Tests:-

  • Verify that placed an order is generated on the back end.
  • Verify that order Id of a placed order is same as present on Thank You page.
  • Verify that Payment Gateway like- Amazon I’d of placed order is same as present on Thank You page.
  • Verify that all products name in a placed order is same as placed.
  • Verify that all products QTY in a placed order are same as placed.
  • Verify that products options in a placed order is same as placed.
  • Verify that products price in a placed order is same as placed.
  • Verify that discount coupon detail in a placed order is same as placed.
  • Verify that discount price in a placed order is same as placed.
  • Verify that Shipping price in a placed order is same as placed (Shipping price at Seller Centre).
  • Verify that Order Total Price in a placed order is same as placed.
  • Verify customer details (Name, Email, Shipping address, Tel. No.) in a placed order is same as present on seller central for the guest user.
  • Verify customer details (Name, Email, Shipping address, Tel. No.) in a placed order is same as present on the website for Logged in User.
  • Verify that product inventory is managed after every purchase.
  • Verify that advanced Products inventory is managed after every purchase of Pack and virtual products.
  • Verify that Products inventory is managed after every refund of a placed order.
  • Verify that advanced Products inventory is managed after every refund of a placed order for Pack and virtual products.
  • Verify that Products inventory is managed after every partial refund for a placed order.
  • Verify that advanced Products inventory is managed after every partial refund of a placed order of Pack and virtual products.
  • Verify that Products inventory is managed after canceled a placed order through Amazon seller central.
  • Verify that Products inventory is managed after canceled a placed order through Admin End / Backend.
  • Verify order status “Canceled” after Payment Cancelled through Amazon seller center.
  • Verify order status “Canceled” after Payment Cancelled through Admin End / Backend.
  • Verify the acknowledge mail after changing in placed order status.
  • Verify the acknowledge mail when an order is canceled.
  • Verify that refund price for placed order is reflect on seller central.
  • Verify that partial refund price for placed order is reflect on seller central.
  • Verify that refunded QTY for placed order is reflected on seller central.
  • Verify that partial refunded QTY for placed order is reflect on seller central.
  • Verify that changed order status for placed order is reflected on seller central.
  • Verify that order tracking number for placed order is reflect on seller central.
  • Verify Promotion or Discount price in a placed order (Added by the seller through seller center).


Other Tests:-

  • Place an order with wrong Merchant ID and Verify that buyer shouldn’t be able to place an order.
  • Place an order with wrong Access Key and Verify that buyer shouldn’t be able to place an order.
  • Place an order with wrong Secret Key and Verify that buyer shouldn’t be able to place an order.
  • Verify that If a user adds any product in his Cat / Bag and then seller set any shipping (on seller account) rule than the shipping is applicable for that user who already adds products in his Bag before shipping set by the seller.
  • Verify that If a user add any product in his Cat / Bag and then seller set any promotion or discount (on seller account) rule than the promotion or discount is applicable for that user who already adds products in his Bag before promotion or discount set by the seller.
  • Place an order where the total discount is more than the entire order.
  • Place an order by double clicking on the Submit Button and then Verify order in backend.
  • Select other countries currency and place an order.
  • Change Weight Unit and place an order.
  • Change Dimensions Unit and place an order.
  • Cancel an order in pending state.



  • Run all above scenarios with Logged in User.
  • Run all above scenarios with Guest User.
  • Place Order From Cart Page.
  • Place Order From Checkout Page.


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