Implementing Refresh Token Rotation for Enhanced Security in Your application

Published On: 18 October 2023.By .
  • Performance and Security

In today’s digital landscape, with the rise of online services, the need to protect sensitive user data has never been more critical. One essential aspect of securing your application’s authentication system is implementing refresh tokens. In this blog, we’ll explore what refresh tokens are, why they are important, and how to implement them in your application.

What are Refresh Tokens?

Refresh tokens are long-lived tokens used to obtain a new access token after the original access token has expired. Access tokens typically have a short lifespan to mitigate security risks, but refresh tokens are a secure mechanism to keep users authenticated without requiring frequent password re-entry.

How does Refresh Token Rotation work?

User Authentication: When a user logs in, they receive both an access token and a refresh token.

Access Token Usage: The access token is used for accessing protected resources, such as API endpoints or user data. However, access tokens are short-lived tokens.

Refresh Token Usage: When the access token expires, the refresh token is used to request a new access token without requiring the user to log in again. This process is transparent to the user and helps maintain a seamless user experience.

Why Implement Refresh Token Rotation?

Implementing refresh tokens offers several advantages for your application’s security and user experience:

Enhanced Security: Since refresh tokens have a longer lifespan and are not used for every request, they reduce the risk of access token theft or exposure. If an access token is compromised, the attacker has limited time to exploit it.

User Convenience: Refresh tokens keep users logged in, reducing the friction of having to re-enter their credentials frequently. This is especially important for applications that require persistent user sessions.

Reduced Load: Refresh tokens reduce the load on authentication servers by extending the validity of access tokens.

Implementing Refresh Tokens

To implement refresh tokens in your application, follow these steps:

  1. Create a global Axios instance: creating a global Axios instance enables us to define API headers in one place for all API calls. In the code snippet below the callApi function is a global function for calling APIs and the setRequestHeader function sets the API headers.
  2. Store and update the token on user login: Store the refreshToken and accessToken on user login in cookie storage and update the Axios instance as well.
  3. Call refreshToken API: create a handleRefreshAccessToken function that calls API if the cookie storage doesn’t have isValidToken. This function checks if the refreshToken exists in cookie storage as well since there may be some routes that do not have refreshToken like before logged-in routes or allowed all-time routes. This function logs the user out in case the refreshAccessTokenApi throws an error. Call this function inside the callApi function just before the return statement.
  4. Wait for the token to refresh: the handleRefreshAccessToken function executes for every API call. Hence, the refreshAccessTokenApi is triggered by the first API called after the token expires. Therefore, we need to hold off on other API calls while the token is refreshing. For this purpose, we create a function waitForCondition which goes into recursion while this.isRefreshing variable is true. Call the above function in the callApi function after calling the handleRefreshAccessToken function.
  5. Finally, check if the cookies exist.: In our implementation of refresh tokens, the cookie storage always has refreshToken and accessToken for all the routes after login. So, if for any reason these 2 tokens are absent the user is logged out.

Here we are using Axios but it can vary as per the project requirement. Hope you found this blog helpful in making your applications more secure!

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