Magic Mirror Module

Published On: 30 March 2022.By .
  • General

What is magic mirror module?

MagicMirror² is an open source modular smart mirror platform. With a growing list of installable modules, the MagicMirror² allows you to convert your hallway or bathroom mirror into your personal assistant. MagicMirror² is built by the creator of the original MagicMirror with the incredible help of a growing community of contributors.

MagicMirror² focuses on a modular plugin system and uses Electron as an application wrapper. So no more web server or browser installs necessary!


1) Hardware:-

MagicMirror² is developed to run on a Raspberry Pi. It might (and will) run on various different types of hardware, but new versions will only be tested on a Raspberry Pi.

Electron, the app wrapper around MagicMirror², only supports the Raspberry Pi 2, 3 & 4. The Raspberry Pi 0/1 is currently not supported. If you want to run this on a Raspberry Pi 1, use the server only feature and setup a fullscreen browser yourself. (Yes, people have managed to run MM² also on a Pi0, so if you insist, search in the forums.)

2) Operating System:- Note that you will need to install the latest full version of Raspbian, don’t use the Lite version. If you want to run the software on other Operating Systems.

3) Node:- Although older version of Node might work, we suggest you use Node 16.

Installation & Usage

The Magic Mirror can be installed manually or using automatic installers. At the start of 2020 the decision was made to remove the automatic installer from the MagicMirror² core repository and move it to a community maintained separate repository. For more information about this decision, please check issue #1860 on GitHub.

Therefore the only officially supported way of installation is by using a manual installation. Using external installation scripts is at your own risk but can make the process a lot easier. Available automatic installers can be found under: alternative installation methods.

1) Manual Installation:-

A) Download and install the latest Node.js version:

curl -sL | sudo -E bash –

sudo apt install -y nodejs

B) Clone the repository and check out the master branch:

git clone

C) Enter the repository:

cd MagicMirror/

D) Install the application:

npm install –only=prod –omit=dev

E) Make a copy of the config sample file:

cp config/config.js.sample config/config.js

F) Start the application:

npm run start

G) For Server Only use:

 npm run server

2) Alternative Installation Methods

The following installation methods are not maintained by the MagicMirror² core team. Use these scripts and methods at your own risk.

A)  Automatic Installation Scripts:- 

i) Sam (@sdetweil, long time contributor of the MagicMirror² framework) maintains a easy to use installation and update script:

ii) The MagicMirror Package Manager is a command line interface designed to simplify the installation, removal, and maintenance of MagicMirror modules.

  • Server Only:- In some cases, you want to start the application without an actual app window. In this case, you can start MagicMirror² in server only mode by manually running npm run server or using Docker. This will start the server, after which you can open the application in your browser of choice. Detailed description below.
  • Client Only:- This is when you already have a server running remotely and want your RPi to connect as a standalone client to this instance, to show the MM from the server. Then from your RPi, you run it with: node clientonly –address –port 8080. (Specify the ip address and port number of the server)


A) Clock:- It is used to display clock.



B) Compliments:- It is used to display headlines or text.



C) Live Cricket Score:- It is used to display Live Cricket Score.



D) Google Photos:- 



E) Music:-



F) Network Connections:-



G) News:- 



E) You Tube Video:-



G) YFrame:-

Calling get api from wordpress post and using it in MMM with the help of yFrame module.


H) All Module in One Screen:- 




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