New Generation Gadget – Adam

Published On: 26 February 2010.By .
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One name which has created a stir in the market is Notion Ink’s ADAM. “It’s not a tablet, or a book reader. It’s a new species, and they call it ADAM. The First.”

5 IITians and one MBA graduate decided to take the world by surprise. They came together and formed a company named NOTION INK. They believe that the next generation will be all about the content. All thing will converge in one device. The CEO of Notion Ink and my friend Rohan said: “Doesn’t matter if I am not able to realize my dreams. I can do something for everyone else out there. Do something for a kid to learn music, challenge gravity. Let students see reactions, smile in awe when they look at such wonderful engineering creations of man. Let engineers test their concepts. And let people like me spend time in communication. One device which can help many without telling them it’s helping. One device which quietly slips into their lives and becomes their best friend. Their personal diary. The window to look at their kids out there in some unknown land.”

Notion Ink believes that the next generation will be all about converging ideas, information and features in one. It is all about the content and ADAM is rich in it. And in recent times we got a chance to work with their team and the experience of working with Notion Ink has been just awesome.

We got a chance to design and develop the website for Notion Ink and I can tell you that when client is good and allows creative freedom, you give your 200% to satisfy that client. While working for we learn that there is no substitute to perfection. And perfection is not when there is nothing left to add but when there is nothing to take away. Working with Notion Ink has upped our standards of work, we sometimes used ‘Engineered Codes’ to make things work, and emphasis on research was low, however engaging with a venture like Notion Ink, Quality Consciousness became the bottom line for us.

There have been very few cases when client provide you the complete freedom to execute the project and this happened with Notion Ink website and to the some extent with IIMC-Intaglio and JMD Music. And I would say that our best work has been delivered to these clients.

We have put our best efforts and have done lot of research for Notion Ink Website. And many of you might think that website does not provide WOW effect but the only reason I can provide is the time constraint. This website has been designed and developed within 10 days. Wait for a while and we will be coming up with a fresh look of the website.

I would love to be associated with Notion Ink not because of the stir it has created in the market but due to the reason we just loved working with them. They are a young and dynamic group of people ready to challenge the world and prove the world that India has come a long way from an IT outsourcing hub.

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