Python Parallel Processing

Published On: 25 October 2023.By .
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  • Performance and Security


Python Parallel Processing Image

If you can’t explain it simply, you don’t understand it well enough.


In the world of Python programming, efficient execution of tasks is essential for building high-performance applications. Threads and Python parallel processing are two powerful techniques that can help you achieve parallelism in your code, improving its speed and responsiveness. However, understanding when and how to use threads and multiprocessing can be challenging. “Demystifying Threads in Python” will be a beginner friendly blog that will attempt to help you get started in the world of parallel processing . 



  • Concurrency AND Parallel Processing
    • Concurrency
    • Multiprocessing / Parallel Processing 
  • Threads vs Processes
  •  How’s What and  Why’s of Parallel Processing 
    • When to use  threads 
    • When not to use threads  
    • Things to keep in mind while using threads  
    • The Anti Example : Calculate Prime : Building Up
      • The synchronised way 
      • The  concurrent  way 1 
      • The concurrent  way 2 
      • The final concurrent way 
  •  Concurrent And Futures of Parallel Processing  
    • Concurrent 
    • Futures
  • Conclusion 
  • References 



Concurrency refers to the ability of a computer to execute multiple instructions at the same time . It seems like more than one task is being executed simultaneously . 

What actually happens behind the scenes is that the CPU jumps from one task to another so fast that from a human perspective , it seems like multiple tasks are  being executed parallelly. In actuality ,the CPU just switches context from one task to another and divides time to each task and if we observe carefully, then at a particular moment only one task will be running in the background.

Multiprocessing / Parallel Processing

Multiprocessing is true parallelism . Our CPU is divided into cores and each core independently can handle a task . Hence , in an  Ideal scenario , for a 4 core processor , we can have 4 task running in parallel . Multiprocessing is the ability of  computers to use these cores properly in order to achieve true parallelism  .  



Python Parallel Processing image

Let’s start from the beginning . The smallest unit of execution in a process is an instruction. For example , adding two numbers is an instruction that we give  to a computer .

 Threads are a higher form of  abstraction and simply putting ,are a sequence of instructions . They can run independently of  other threads  in the same  process  . Threads of same process share the same memory space ,allowing them to share  data and resources 

Processes are independent units of  execution and consist of  multiple threads  . They have their own memory space . Processes are isolated from each other, meaning that a crash or error in one process generally does not affect other processes.


Let’s continue to explore threads as it is important to understand when to use  them .  Later ,in this section we will dive into examples  


Threads have their primary importance in I/O bound use cases or user input cases. 

Threads are highly effective for tasks that spend a significant amount of time waiting for input/output operations to complete. Examples include reading/writing files, network communication, and database queries.


It is important to understand that there will be no significant reduction in execution time ,if we use threads in tasks that are  mostly CPU bound . What is meant by CPU bound  is that tasks that require  complex calculations or  basically that tasks that need most of  the  CPU processing power . In these cases , there is also a possibility that execution time for the tasks might increase . As CPU jumps from one  thread to another , dividing time between them , then the time taken to switch context will also add to execution time of the task .


There are multiple things to keep in mind while using thread . The most important  is Race Condition .  

Race Conditions: In a multithreaded environment, when multiple threads access shared data simultaneously and at least one of them modifies the data, it can lead to race conditions. Race conditions result in unpredictable and potentially erroneous behavior .

Some other things like  Deadlock , Starvation also need to be kept in mind and  one can read more about them from  Mastering Concurrency in Python: Create faster programs using concurrency, asynchronous, multithreading, and parallel programming eBook : Nguyen, Quan: Books


We will build up with a simple problem . We will try to find whether a  number is prime or not .  We will explain the code as we go along . In between we will clear the  air on why it is an anti example .    

The  Synchronized Way : 
We have a class PrimeCheck , that takes in a list of numbers . Logic is written inside is_prime method to check whether a number is prime or not  .  The  execution time according to perf_counter is 0.0003110579855274409. Keeping this number in mind , let’s continue forward

Let’s see if we can improve the execution speed by using threads . 

The Concurrent Way 1 :
In this example , we inherit from threading.Thread class . Thread class has  certain methods  , some of which are below 

start() : This method starts the initialized calling thread object by calling

the run() method

run(): This method is executed when a new thread is initialized and


isAlive() : This method returns a Boolean value, indicating whether the

calling thread object is currently executing

join() : This method waits for the calling thread object to terminate

before continuing to execute the rest of the program

One can refer to the docs to learn more about the thread methods  . Thread-based parallelism — Python 3.12.0 documentation    

The major thing to note is that for each number we have initialized a new thread , which is not a good practice .  The .join() method  waits  for all the threads  to finish their processing before terminating the main code  .  After executing the code , the  execution time we get is 0.003693028003908694

This clears the air on an anti example . Here , 

Execution Time(Threading) > Execution_Time(Synchronous)

 The increase in execution time can be justified . First of all , calculating prime involves CPU calculation and probably not a great example to introduce threading , and secondly , due to too many threads (one  thread per number) ,most of the   CPU time goes in context switching from one thread  to another .


Let’s play around with this example and try to eliminate second difficulty  , and let’s explore another way to do the same example with some modifications 

The Concurrent Way 2 :
Execution time has  significantly decreased from the above example as we have now taken only 4  threads . 

Execution time : 0.0011432539904490113

Now let’s delve deeper into code and  , at last we will simplify the same example with concurrent and futures  .

We have introduced lock from threading . This is because instead of printing the output , we are now storing the output in output prime . Now while writing output to output_prime , output_prime serves as the critical section . Hence lock becomes necessary in order to preserve output correctly . Now lock is served using context manager. The  with statement helps threads to easily acquire and release the lock  .  

We have introduced another way to start thread using 

th =threading.Thread(target = process_number)

Here  we have not inherited from the threading class  . Also we have maintained a queue that contains all the prime numbers. Queue is thread safe and a good way to consume the input .   

At last , we have declared that we will use  4  threads to process these numbers . These all get started in the  loop and all threads are  joined so that we wait for all of them to finish before terminating the main code .

Finally , we move to a way below , that is currently practiced ..

The Final Concurrent Way :
Execution time : 0.0028543049993459135

Here we have used a ThreadPoolExecutor from the concurrent.futures module . We  can easily specify thread workers in ThreadPoolExecutor as described above . 

ThreadPoolExecutor handles synchronization internally . The ThreadPoolExecutor itself manages the synchronisation necessary for maintaining the order of results and ensuring that they are added to the list correctly. Hence we don’t need to acquire  Lock in this specific case . 

ThreadPoolExecutor provides a higher level of  abstraction and eases out the way to manage Threads .

To learn more about about ThreadPoolExecutor  , one can reference Thread-based parallelism — Python 3.12.0 documentation 

Some more examples on threading can be found here . David Beazley – Python Concurrency From the Ground Up: LIVE! – PyCon 2015

The question remains , what are concurrent and futures anyways ?    




In simple terms, “concurrent” means doing multiple things at the same time. Imagine you have a checklist of tasks to complete, like cooking dinner. Instead of doing one thing at a time, like chopping vegetables first and then cooking noodles, you decide to do both tasks together. So, you’re chopping vegetables and cooking noodles at the same time. This is a concurrent way of working.

In computer programming, concurrency is like having multiple workers (or threads) in your computer, and each worker can do a different task simultaneously. For example, one worker can play music, another can download a file, and another can run a game, all at the same time.

Futures (in the context of programming):

“Futures” in programming are like promises or to-do lists for tasks that you want to complete in the future. Imagine you have a list of chores to do over the weekend, like mowing the lawn and cleaning the house. Instead of doing them right away, you write them down on a list and say, “I’ll do these tasks later.” These tasks on your list are like “futures.”

In computer programming, “futures” are used to represent tasks that will be completed in the future, possibly concurrently. You can start a task and get a “future” object that says, “I’ll give you the result when I’m done.” You can then continue with other tasks or work while waiting for the results.

For example, if you want to download a big file from the internet, you can start the download and get a “future” object. While the download is happening in the background, you can continue using your computer for other things. When the download is finished, you can check the “future” to get the downloaded data.

To delve  deeper into concurrent futures  , I would suggest to read from Mastering Concurrency in Python: Create faster programs using concurrency, asynchronous, multithreading, and parallel programming eBook : Nguyen, Quan: Books 


With this we finish our discussion on threads . Hopefully this will help getting started with threads. Developers could gain insight when to use threads and what all things must be kept in mind while using them  .



R1) Python Threading Tutorial: Run Code Concurrently Using the Threading Module

R2) David Beazley – Python Concurrency From the Ground Up: LIVE! – PyCon 2015

R3 ) Mastering Concurrency in Python: Create faster programs using concurrency, asynchronous, multithreading, and parallel programming eBook : Nguyen, Quan: Books 

R4) Google 

R5)  Thread-based parallelism — Python 3.12.0 documentation


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