Transferring Domain from Melbourne IT to Godaddy

Published On: 21 December 2011.By .
  • Digital Engineering

I had a domain registered with Melbourne IT for which they were charging USD 35.50 for one year. I decided to shift the domain to Godaddy which was much cheaper around USD 8.00 per year.

The exercise was not as easy as I had thought.

I had initiated the transfer from Godaddy and have received the Security Code and Token Key on the administrator mail of Domain. Then I unlocked the domain from Domain Management (Melbourne IT) and was waiting for the Authorization Code. I waited but did not receive it. (Though I acted as a fool as later I came to know that it can easily be generated from the Domain Manager. For more information )

I was trying to get the proper forum or support for domain transfer. It took me lot of time to figure out how to raise the ticket on Melbourne IT and after raising the ticket too I do not know where to track the ticket. It was a very frustrating experience.

I was searching over the internet  that how can I get the authorization code and then somewhere I read a blog where it was mentioned that once you cancel the domain you will receive the complete details in mail for further action. I cancelled the domain and soon I realized that I will have no control over the domain after cancellation. But the realization was too late, domain was cancelled and I had no other options. I called the 24*7 Melbourne IT Customer support but nobody was at the receiving end and I did not expected it from them. I was going desperate and then the social media came to rescue.  Somehow I got hold of Melbourne IT Twitter account and I tweeted about the no response from customer support. Within no time I received a call from Melbourne IT support center and they guided me further.

They told me that the only way to restore the domain is to apply for the redemption (Charges for this were USD 155.00). As I had no other option, I had to apply for redemption and got the ownership of Domain.

The exact steps for Domain Transfer from Melbourne IT to Godaddy are as follows:

  1. Purchase the Domain on Godaddy (
  2. You will receive a Security Code and Token Key on your administrator contact of Domain
  3. Then act from the following link

Other Important links are

Lesson to Learn –

  • Do not cancel your domain ever if you want to Transfer the Domain or change any setting related to Domain.
  • By chance you have cancelled your domain then it will not be available for purchase for next 60 days and you can apply for the redemption of Domain.

Hope it helps you! I learned my lessons hard way. 🙂

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