Web application monitoring with New Relic

Published On: 3 November 2016.By .
  • Digital Engineering
  • General


New Relic Servers for Linux allows you to view and analyze critical system metrics, including CPU usage, physical memory, network activity, processes, and disk I/O utilization and capacity. This section provides information about compatibility and requirements, basic instructions on how to install and configure the Server Monitor agent, and links to more detailed information.

Before you install Servers for Linux, make sure your system meets these requirements.

Security As a standard security measure for data collection, New Relic requires that your application server supports SHA-2 (256-bit). SHA-1 is not supported.
Linux operating systems Servers supports the following operating systems:

  • Ubuntu 10.04 or higher
  • Debian 5 or higher
  • RedHat Enterprise Linux 5 or higher
  • CentOS 5 or higher

New Relic also provides a binary tarball for manual installation on modern Linux-based operating systems with glibc 2.5+.

Joyent SmartOS systems Servers supports Joyent’s SmartOS zones on virtual machines running Joyent 2012Q2 and 2012Q4 SmartOS.
Processors Servers for Linux supports Intel or Intel-compatible x86 or x86_64 architectures. Processors must support the SSE2 instruction set. This may exclude 2002 and earlier x86 and ia32 processors.

Servers for SmartOS supports x86_64 architectures.

Firewall Servers for Linux requires your firewall to allow an outgoing connection to New Relic’s networks. The TCP port you identify in the configuration file depends on whether you use SSL.
Windows systems See New Relic Servers for Windows.

Servers installation: Ubuntu and Debian


After Installation we have to set APM for our application.

  • Create an account on https://newrelic.com/signup and get your License Key from there.
  • Set License Key in php.ini newrelic.license = “YOUR_LICENSE_KEY”
  • Set Application in .htaccess if Application is not showing on newRelic Dashboard
    php_value newrelic.appname “ElearnAfrica”

New Relic provide the following information about our Application

  1. Processes on the server
  2. Disk usage on the server
  3. Network usage
  4. SLA(Service-level Agreement) Report on daily, monthly and weekly basis
  5. APM (Application Performance Monitoring) Reports
    1. Page load time
    2. Throughput by browser
    3. Session Traces
    4. JS Errors
    5. Geo-graphics report of particaular page
    6. URL Whitelisting
  6. Database Operation Monitoring like query time
  7. Error Rate
  8. Background Jobs like Cron and Curl

If  NewRelic running and not capturing data then follow this link

  1. https://discuss.newrelic.com/t/php-daemon-running-but-no-data-shown-perdir-conf/35655

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