Web Trends to Watch

Published On: 26 February 2010.By .
  • General

Web is innovating day by day. There are n no. of new trends coming up. Lots of information is being provided to users. And it is getting very difficult to choose what you want to see, follow and use. So we believe that the trend would be to integrate all information in one place. User will have the complete control over what features of website he wish to watch. User can decide whose updates he will receive and in which category.
Hottest trend in year 2009
Real Time Status Updates
Sparked by Twitter, Facebook, FirendFeeds. The real time feed has been a new trend developing among the internet users.
Real time is not about just updating the status. It has gone more deeper.
Why wait until you get home to post a restaurant review, asks consumer trends tracker Trendwatching, when scores of iPhone apps let you post feedback as soon as you finish dessert? Why wonder about the name of that song, when humming into your phone handset will garner an instant answer from Midomi?

Google also jumped into real time colloboration and launched Google Wave. It has email, instant messaging, wiki.
2010 will be very interesting year to see that what will happen next ??

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