Why Mobile Marketing is Serious Business?

Published On: 4 December 2013.By .
  • General

Mobile Internet usage has increased rapidly largely due to more advanced mobile phones with better functionality and greater capacity.

Why Mobile marketing is necessary?
Apple’s iPhone 5 pre-sold 2-million devices within the first 24-hours, the Android is seeing 1.3 – million devices activated on a daily basis. These numbers leave no question of who is using mobile devices. The fact is that your target market is using a mobile device on a daily basis.
Mobile users have their devices with them 24/7 and it’s typically the last thing they check before bed and first thing they check in the morning. This creates incredible opportunity to connect with your target market via mobile, no matter where they are at.
In the last 12-months, Amazon customers have ordered more than 1-billion dollars worth of products from a mobile device. Mobile users are comfortable purchasing products and scheduling services from their mobile device. This is because it’s easy and convenient.
Mobile marketing allows your business to stand out and be above the competition. This will become more and more competitive as more businesses get involved and start creating a solid mobile marketing strategy.
Mobile Apps
The mobile app world offers countless applications, but generating an application that actually adds value to your business is the major challenge. Only couple of applications actually facilitate in creating great revenue for their businesses.

Mobile Applications

Business Apps for mobile

Here are reasons why mobile is serious for business
1. It Improves Website Hits
According to Survey, and US Digital Usage, 94% of smartphone users are also digital mobile users. An incredible amount of traffic can be sent to your site from mobile users – often doubling the web traffic to your website – provided they can access your site with ease.
2. It Improves Customer Engagement
By creating a mobile app or website, you can include functionality to improve customer engagement, such as product reviews, surveys, mailing list, coupon alerts, and all sorts of other excellent options.
3. It Increase Sales
20% of all adult smartphone users have used their phone to buy something, according to the Nielson survey, and that number is on the rise. Providing a quick and painless way to ordering a product or service on a mobile will help to attract more buyers to your products.
4. It allows you to Prioritize Content
On a mobile site, browsers will see only a small portion of your site’s content. You can use this to your advantage by featuring current promotions and ensuring your mobile visitors are seeing exactly what you want them to see.
5. It Puts You Ahead of the Curve
If you’re the first local business in your sector to release a mobile app, then you’re going to be the business everyone remembers. Get your mobile app or site up and running now, while you’re still considered an innovator, and reap the benefits of early adoption.

Here are some of the biggest benefits of mobile apps for businesses:

  1. Build loyalty
  2. Reinforce your brand
  3. Increase your visibility
  4. Increase your accessibility
  5. Increase sell-through
  6. Increase exposure across mobile devices
  7. Connect you with on-the-go consumers

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