Developed a voice conversation platform to connect users across the world
- Digital Products & Software

Opentalk (A seed funded startup) approached Auriga to partner with them to launch a global voice conversation platform for the Millennials! Buddy talk allows users to have interesting voice conversations for users across the world to share information, learn from each other and grow.

How we helped
#Product Design | #Product Engineering | #Product Maintenance
Auriga worked very closely with Founders of Buddytalk to understand their vision, and define a product strategy and then deployed a team of Project Manager, Engineers & Designers to build a world class product.
Auriga leveraged it’s expertise in CX Strategy & Design to curate seamless and intuitive customer experience and maximize interactions on the app. Our team worked with agile development methodology and kept evolving the product by introducing new features and improvising the user experience based on the insights.
Auriga designed a mechanism where users can connect with other users across the world and deployed AI for finding the right User Match to enable longer and more meaningful conversations based on the User Profile, past data of users of similar profiles & Interest.
Platform also allowed to create various interest groups, broadcast live conversations, showcase their talent (upload Poems, Songs, Standup comedy) and engage with the audience real time.
User activities were gamified by providing coins to users for better conversation, more contribution to increase the engagement.
Within 2 years of the launch, there were more than 1M+ downloads on Google Play store and 10M minutes of monthly conversation.
Technology – Java, Spring Boot, Mysql, Redis, Native Apps.
Platform – Android and iOS App
- Microservice architecture
- Simplistic on-boarding experience in minimum clicks and minimum time.
- Modular matching algorithm which takes inputs from mix of structured and unstructured social data still
- Build a scalable back-end platform with global Reach and geographies with a current user base of half a million.
- Robust talking platform supporting 200,000 minutes of conversations daily.
- Bitbucket pipeline and ECS for continuous deployment
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