
Client Overview

TagHive Inc., a Samsung-funded education technology company founded in 2017, aims to revolutionize learning by making it more creative, social, and fun. Led by CEO Pankaj Agarwal, a recognized innovator, TagHive sought to leverage technology to address persistent challenges in the Indian & global education system.

Problem Statement

TagHive recognized the need for a technological solution that could personalize learning, bridge knowledge gaps, and provide engaging educational experiences for all students. However, developing such a solution presented several challenges:

  • Limited Personalized Learning- Traditional educational methods lack the ability to effectively evaluate individual student performance and provide tailored content recommendations.
  • Limited Quality Resources- Many students, particularly in unprivileged areas, lack access to high-quality study materials and expert guidance.
  • No Mobile App- The lack of a dedicated educational mobile app (Android & iOS) hindered effective and accessible learning for both teachers and students.
  • Curriculum Diversity Challenge- Diverse curricula and syllabus requirements across educational boards posed a challenge in creating a comprehensive, aligned question bank catering to students at various learning levels.


TagHive partnered with Auriga IT to develop the Class Saathi app, overcoming the challenges and delivering a comprehensive solution:

  • Cross-Platform App with Flutter- To reach a global audience of teachers and students, we developed Class Saathi, a versatile mobile app using Flutter. This cross-platform framework allowed us to efficiently create a unified experience for Android, iOS, and desktop users.
  • Personalized Learning Powered by “Saathi AI”- We developed an AI engine that analyzes student performance, identifies weaknesses, and recommends personalized question sets to accelerate learning.
  • Mobile App for Students- Our mobile app developed students to ace exams with 500,000+ free MCQ quizzes, instant doubt resolution, customizable mock tests, detailed solutions, flashcards, and a gamified learning experience with daily missions, rewards, and progress tracking.
  • Engaging & Interactive Learning- To combat the potential monotony of learning, we incorporated features such as quizzes, badges, rewards, and progress reports to gamify the experience, motivating students and injecting an element of fun.
  • Teacher-Focused Desktop App- Our desktop app streamlines classroom management, simplifying attendance, assessments, and progress tracking. Teachers can personalize assignments, collaborate globally on quizzes, and leverage Saathi Pro for enhanced learning.

Project Outcomes

  • Enhanced Student Outcomes- The personalized approach leads to improved learning outcomes, increased confidence, and higher exam scores.
  • Increased Accessibility- The app’s free model democratizes education in India, making quality learning resources available to all students, regardless of socioeconomic status.
  • Teacher Empowerment- Class Saathi reduces teacher workload, facilitates differentiated instruction, and fosters a student-centered learning environment.

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