Django ORM Optimisations

Published On: 12 January 2024.By .
  • General

In this blog, we will explore various optimization techniques in Django ORM such as subqueries, select_related, prefetch_related, and more. These methods not only guide us in consolidating multiple queries into a single, efficient query but also play a crucial role in minimizing the time it takes to execute these queries.

Optimization holds a crucial position in effective database management, especially in web development. As applications evolve in complexity and data volume, inefficient queries can lead to sluggish performance, adversely impacting the user experience. Through the adoption of optimization techniques, our goal is to significantly enhance the efficiency and responsiveness of our Django applications.

1. Select Related and Prefetch Related

One of the most common ways to optimize Django ORM queries is to use the select_related() and prefetch_related() methods. The select_related() method retrieves related objects in a single SQL query, while prefetch_related() retrieves related objects in separate SQL queries.

The select_related() method is particularly useful when dealing with ForeignKey and OneToOneField relationships, as it can significantly reduce the number of queries executed, leading to faster data retrieval.

Unlike select_related(), prefetch_related() is more suitable for optimizing Many-to-Many and reverse ForeignKey relationships. It fetches the related objects in a separate query but does so more efficiently than the default behavior, reducing the number of queries executed.

For example, if you have a model called “Author” with a foreign key relationship to a model called “Book”, you can use the select_related() method to retrieve author details for a specific book:

Similarly, for fetching all the books of a specific author we can use the prefetch_related() method:

2. Values and Values List

In Django ORM, the values() and values_list() methods are used to retrieve specific fields from the database. These methods can be useful when you only need a subset of the data.

The values() method returns a QuerySet that represents a list of dictionaries containing key-value pairs.

The values_list() method returns a QuerySet that represents a list of tuples.

For example, to fetch first_name and last_name from a User model we can use the values() method like this:

To fetch data in the form of a list of tuples we can use the values_list() method like this:

3. Aggregate and Annotate

In Django ORM, the annotate() and aggregate() methods perform complex queries on the database. The annotate() method adds extra fields to each object in the query set, while the aggregate() method performs calculations on the entire query set.

For example, if you have a model called “Order” with a field called “total”, you can use the annotate() method to add a field called “discounted_total” that subtracts 10% from the total:

This will add a field called “discounted_total” to each order object in the query set.

Similarly, if you want to calculate the total of all orders, you can use the aggregate() method:

This will calculate the sum of the “total” field for all the orders in the database.

4. Conditional Expressions

In Django ORM, conditional expressions provide a way to annotate QuerySets with values that depend on certain conditions. This allows for more complex queries and can be useful for calculations or aggregations that involve multiple fields.

A conditional expression takes the form of an ExpressionWrapper object, which wraps an expression that evaluates to a boolean value, along with the expressions to evaluate if the condition is true or false. The Case and When expressions are commonly used to create conditional expressions in Django.

Here is an example of how to use conditional expressions to annotate a QuerySet with a value based on a condition:

Here, we are annotating a new field called category, which depends on age. If age < 18 => category = underage and if age >= 18 => category = adult.

The Case expression defines the conditions and their corresponding values, and the output_field parameter specifies the data type of the annotated field.

5. Subquery and OuterRef

In Django ORM, the subqueries can be used to perform complex queries that involve nested queries. In Django, we can do so by using Subquery() and OuterRef() methods.

Using subquery in filters:

We can also use subquery with annotate like this:

6. Raw SQL Queries

Sometimes, complex queries cannot be performed using Django’s ORM. In such cases, we can use raw SQL queries to retrieve data from the database.

We can use django.db.connection to perform raw SQL queries. Here, is an example:

This will execute raw SQL query, and retrieve the first row of result.

7. F Expressions

An F() object represents the value of a model field or an annotated column. We can use the F expression like this:

8. Bonus Tip

These tips are not related to Django ORM, but following these while designing a database can help reduce query execution time significantly.

  • Database Indexing

    Identify frequently used fields in your queries and apply appropriate database indexes. Indexing improves query performance by reducing the time taken to find matching records. Django provides support for defining indexes on model fields, leveraging the power of database indexing.

  • Partitioning

    Partitioning involves dividing a large table into smaller, more manageable partitions based on specific criteria such as range, list, or hash partitioning. Partitioning can enhance query performance by allowing the DBMS to perform operations on a smaller subset of data.

9. Further Reading

For additional insights and advanced techniques, explore the following methods:

  • Bulk Create
    For creating objects in bulk we can use bulk_create() like this:
  • Defer and Only
    defer() is used to exclude certain fields from being fetched immediately when querying the database.
    only() is used to fetch only the specified fields immediately, excluding all other fields.
  • Iterator Function
    Django provides a QuerySet method called iterator() that allows you to iterate over query results more efficiently, fetching rows from the database one at a time rather than loading the entire result set into memory.
  • Count and Exists
    If you don’t need the contents of the QuerySet use count() and exists(). For example:

10. Key Takeaways

Optimizing Django queries is an essential part of building scalable and performant web applications. In order to write efficient code, it’s essential to understand how these concepts of optimizations work in Django.

In this blog, we have covered:

  • Use select_related to minimize the number of queries when accessing related objects.
  • Use prefetch_related to retrieve related objects in separate queries.
  • Use values and values_list to retrieve specific fields from QuerySet.
  • Use annotate and aggregate to perform calculations and aggregation on QuerySet.
  • Use Subquery and OuterRef to perform subqueries and reference values from the outer query.
  • Use Case/When conditional expression to fetch results based on some conditions.
  • The Further Reading section contains some extra useful functions.

11. References

Refer to the following resources for more information on Django ORM optimization and related topics:

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