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  • Published On: 13 April 2020By

    Why Transformers? The problems with long-existing sequence models are long-range dependencies, vanishing and exploding gradient is hard to resolve even batch gradient descent when network is large and deep, a

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  • Published On: 11 April 2020By

    Model Based Collaborative Filtering: Model based collaborative approaches only rely on user-item interactions information and assume a latent model supposed to explain these interactions. For example, matrix factorization algorithms consists

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  • Published On: 11 April 2020By

    A common task of recommender systems is to improve customer experience through personalized recommendations based on prior implicit feedback. These systems passively track different sorts of user behavior, such as

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  • Published On: 10 April 2020By

    Face Recognition Recognize and manipulate faces from Python or from the command line with the world’s simplest face recognition library. Built using dlib’s state-of-the-art face recognition built with deep learning. The

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  • Published On: 10 April 2020By

    Alternating Least Square (ALS) is also a matrix factorization algorithm and it runs itself in a parallel fashion. ALS is implemented in Apache Spark ML and built for a larger-scale

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  • Published On: 10 April 2020By

    Detecting the parking slot occupancy can help us by providing the exact location of the place which is empty for parking and save our time. For this purpose, we can

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  • Published On: 5 March 2020By

    As mobile developers, we spend most of our time creating new screens or changing screens that already exist and we need to know that the code works. That is why

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  • Published On: 22 February 2020By

    There are some points where we have to maintain settings for multiple environments. Django provides a very useful solution, to maintain multiple settings in a single file. For that you

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