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Criteria Query

Queries are the methods that finds the information from the database and these methods are written inside the interface. Query Creation from method names We have User Model with the attributes : [crayon-67eb19a119122036824304/] Now if we have to

By |2023-01-17T19:45:17+05:3030 December 2022|Comments Off on Criteria Query

JWT + Spring Boot

In this blog, we will discuss how to add the JWT(JSON Web Token) Authentication with Spring Boot to secure our Rest API's. What is JWT ? When two systems exchange data, you can use a JSON Web Token

By |2023-01-17T19:45:24+05:3027 December 2022|Comments Off on JWT + Spring Boot

Synchronous And Asynchronous Caching

As we discussed what is Caching and merits and demerits of it in my previous blog Caching-I. In this, we will learn about how to do Synchronous caching using annotations and Asynchronous caching using Caffeine. Synchronous Caching :

By |2023-01-17T19:45:48+05:3026 December 2022|Comments Off on Synchronous And Asynchronous Caching

Caching – I

What is Cache? It is the place where we store the frequently accessed data so that for future requests the data can be served faster instead of querying from the Database. Benefits of Caching : 1. Reduces our

By |2023-01-17T19:49:46+05:302 November 2022|Comments Off on Caching – I

Analysis Of Jackson And Gson

In this blog we will read about the Gson and Jackson Libraries which are used to convert JSON data to Java Object and vice-versa. Gson is the open sourceĀ  Java Library provided by Google. If we have to

By |2023-01-17T20:04:04+05:3026 April 2022|Comments Off on Analysis Of Jackson And Gson
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