How to create custom email template in magento 2

First we have to create a field in configuration ‘system.xml’ in folder app/code/Auriga/Email/etc/adminhtml/,  from where we can select which email template will use. [crayon-67eb28008bfb1783116890/] Now create a email template configuration file at app/code/Auriga/Email/etc location file name should be email_templates.xml

By |2023-01-17T20:14:13+05:306 August 2018|Comments Off on How to create custom email template in magento 2

How to expose a custom field from sales_order table to rest api?

Suppose you have custom field delivery_type in sales_order table.  You are accessing order using rest Api but this field is not present in response. Requested Api: http://localhost/default/rest/default/V1/orders/{order_id} You can get it working for individual order. Though if you want to show this attribute

By |2023-01-17T20:14:23+05:302 August 2018|Comments Off on How to expose a custom field from sales_order table to rest api?

How to use bundle products in configurable products?

By default magento does not allow to use bundle products in configurable products. You can change few files to make it work. You needs to change two files: 1. app/code/core/Mage/Catalog/etc/config.xml [crayon-67eb28008c7a4018520863/]   2. app/code/core/Mage/Catalog/Block/Product/View/Type/Configurable.php You need to manage

By |2023-01-17T20:14:38+05:3031 July 2018|Comments Off on How to use bundle products in configurable products?

How to override/extend controller in Magento 1

If we want to override controller file in magento 1 then we need to add create custom modules like following: Create a new module and declare it in “app/etc/modules” by adding a xml file. app/code/modules/Wd_Wishlist.xml: [crayon-67eb28008ca00014553268/] Create folders

By |2023-01-17T20:14:49+05:3025 July 2018|Comments Off on How to override/extend controller in Magento 1

Magento​ ​Login​ ​Issue​ ​With​ ​Chrome

Magento login for admin/customer works fine with Firefox and IE. But sometimes we are not able to login in chrome. This is caused by session cookie compatibility in chrome browser. So sometimes in chrome you will not able to login

By |2023-01-17T20:14:57+05:3019 July 2018|Comments Off on Magento​ ​Login​ ​Issue​ ​With​ ​Chrome

How to use scripts in elastic search

Wherever scripting is supported in the Elasticsearch API, the syntax follows the same pattern: [crayon-67eb28008cef1878424068/] The language the script is written in, which defaults to painless. The script itself which may be specified as source for an inline script or id for a stored

By |2023-01-17T20:15:05+05:3018 July 2018|Comments Off on How to use scripts in elastic search

How to create custom API in Magento 2

The REST API documentation published on the Magento 2 Developer Documentation website describes the REST APIs that are available on the latest release of Magento 2.  This documentation is generated from the code base using Swagger and represents the state of the code at

By |2023-01-17T20:15:11+05:3011 July 2018|Comments Off on How to create custom API in Magento 2

Changing admin login URL in WordPress

Wordpress is the leading CMS powering over a million websites. It have come a long way in terms of stability and security. However, being open-source and most-used also make it a target of hacks and breaches. While no

By |2023-01-17T20:15:19+05:3015 January 2018|Comments Off on Changing admin login URL in WordPress

Multi User Chat with (MUC,Group Chat ) Openfire.

  Openfire provides multiuser chat using smack lib in android. In the previous blog, i have explained connection creation.We need to follow the following the step to configure MUC. Initialisation Connection Create a new Room Join a room

By |2023-01-17T20:16:46+05:3025 January 2017|Comments Off on Multi User Chat with (MUC,Group Chat ) Openfire.

Instant Messaging in Android using XMPP(Openfire)

Extensible Messaging and Presence Protocol (XMPP) is a communications protocol for message-oriented middleware based on XML (Extensible Markup Language).[1] It enables the near-real-time exchange of structured yet extensible data between any two or more network entities. In this

By |2023-01-17T20:17:05+05:3023 January 2017|Comments Off on Instant Messaging in Android using XMPP(Openfire)

How to Test Payment Getaway Plugin in Magento Ecommerce

Below tests need to be executed before release. Basic Tests:- Verify that plugin is installable. Verify that plugin is configurable. Verify all mandatory fields (Like- Merchant ID, Access Key, Secret Key). Verify that plugin is Uninstallable.   Front End

By |2023-01-17T20:17:15+05:3022 January 2017|Comments Off on How to Test Payment Getaway Plugin in Magento Ecommerce

Yodlee fastlink integration – Add bank account process

Yodlee is a leading data aggregation and data analytics platform powering dynamic, cloud-based innovation for digital financial services.  Today's banking and financial application consumers want one place where they can login and see all of their financial accounts.

By |2023-01-17T20:17:41+05:3016 January 2017|Comments Off on Yodlee fastlink integration – Add bank account process

Jenkins – Installing and setting up continuous integration tool

What is Jenkins? Jenkins is a powerful application that allows continuous integration and continuous delivery of projects, regardless of the platform you are working on. It is a free source that can handle any kind of build or

By |2023-01-17T20:17:56+05:3010 January 2017|Comments Off on Jenkins – Installing and setting up continuous integration tool

Jenkins – Setting up a PHP project in jenkins

Pre-requisites - For Setting up PHP project you need to install the following plugins for Jenkins: Checkstyle (for processing PHP_CodeSniffer logfiles in Checkstyle format) Clover PHP (for processing PHPUnit's Clover XML logfile) Crap4J (for processing PHPUnit's Crap4J XML

By |2023-01-17T20:18:16+05:304 January 2017|Comments Off on Jenkins – Setting up a PHP project in jenkins
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