CronJob – Task Scheduling in Laravel

Every application requires some tasks to be run periodically on the server. It could be sending emails, creating reports, creating backups or cleanup databases. To automate these tasks Laravel offers cron jobs scheduling.CronCron is a time-based task scheduler

By |2023-01-17T20:12:17+05:3011 April 2019|Comments Off on CronJob – Task Scheduling in Laravel

Service Oriented Architecture

Application with single transactional resource: Architecture: Common Approach most developers used is create a controller and relevant model. All business logics will resides in controller and controller requests to model.       Controller in MVC :  The role of a

By |2023-01-17T20:12:39+05:301 February 2019|Comments Off on Service Oriented Architecture

Critical CSS

Delivering a faster and smoother web experience is an important part of building websites today. Most of the time, we develop websites without understanding what the browser is actually doing. How exactly does the browser render our web

By |2023-01-17T20:12:58+05:3011 January 2019|Comments Off on Critical CSS

RabbitMQ, Implementation of RabbitMQ in YII.

What is RabbitMQ? RabbitMQ is open source software used to manage the queue. We can queue our application tasks to execute them in async way by using RabbitMQ. In simple word it is a software where queue can

By |2023-01-17T20:13:04+05:3017 September 2018|Comments Off on RabbitMQ, Implementation of RabbitMQ in YII.

How to use magento 1 customer password in magento 2

Magento 1 use MD5 hash to encrypt the password and Magento 2 use SHA-256. In Magento 1, they use Mage_Core_Model_Encryption class with following functions. [crayon-67b8c21ad6a29476015897/] [crayon-67b8c21ad6a30563101055/] Magento 1 generate hash by md5(salt + password) and save in database with

By |2023-01-17T20:13:12+05:3022 August 2018|Comments Off on How to use magento 1 customer password in magento 2

How to create magento2 knockout chart

You can download complete working example from below url See below how it will work. Create a phtml file [crayon-67b8c21ad6cc8557432894/] [crayon-67b8c21ad6cd2942867698/] Create a .html file [crayon-67b8c21ad6cd4784745762/] And add a js [crayon-67b8c21ad6cd7817182592/] You can draw more type graph

By |2023-01-17T20:13:24+05:3020 August 2018|Comments Off on How to create magento2 knockout chart

How to parse Request/ Response in Rest Api’s in yii2

Yii provides a whole set of tools to simplify the implementation of Restful Web Service APIs. In particular, It is all about converting request and response parameters in Apis. Goals To convert (parse) all type of Request data

By |2023-01-17T20:14:05+05:3013 August 2018|Comments Off on How to parse Request/ Response in Rest Api’s in yii2

How to create custom email template in magento 2

First we have to create a field in configuration ‘system.xml’ in folder app/code/Auriga/Email/etc/adminhtml/,  from where we can select which email template will use. [crayon-67b8c21ad7957032984106/] Now create a email template configuration file at app/code/Auriga/Email/etc location file name should be email_templates.xml

By |2023-01-17T20:14:13+05:306 August 2018|Comments Off on How to create custom email template in magento 2

How to expose a custom field from sales_order table to rest api?

Suppose you have custom field delivery_type in sales_order table.  You are accessing order using rest Api but this field is not present in response. Requested Api: http://localhost/default/rest/default/V1/orders/{order_id} You can get it working for individual order. Though if you want to show this attribute

By |2023-01-17T20:14:23+05:302 August 2018|Comments Off on How to expose a custom field from sales_order table to rest api?

How to override/extend controller in Magento 1

If we want to override controller file in magento 1 then we need to add create custom modules like following: Create a new module and declare it in “app/etc/modules” by adding a xml file. app/code/modules/Wd_Wishlist.xml: [crayon-67b8c21ad7ff6861296189/] Create folders

By |2023-01-17T20:14:49+05:3025 July 2018|Comments Off on How to override/extend controller in Magento 1

How to use scripts in elastic search

Wherever scripting is supported in the Elasticsearch API, the syntax follows the same pattern: [crayon-67b8c21ad8337091484297/] The language the script is written in, which defaults to painless. The script itself which may be specified as source for an inline script or id for a stored

By |2023-01-17T20:15:05+05:3018 July 2018|Comments Off on How to use scripts in elastic search

Changing admin login URL in WordPress

Wordpress is the leading CMS powering over a million websites. It have come a long way in terms of stability and security. However, being open-source and most-used also make it a target of hacks and breaches. While no

By |2023-01-17T20:15:19+05:3015 January 2018|Comments Off on Changing admin login URL in WordPress

Facebook Analytics

The magnified entry of Facebook has refined the world of social media. Nowadays, It has become absolutely necessary to make a Facebook fan page for interacting and communicating with the esteemed client. Not to be confused with two

By |2023-01-17T20:16:01+05:304 May 2017|Comments Off on Facebook Analytics

Jenkins – Installing and setting up continuous integration tool

What is Jenkins? Jenkins is a powerful application that allows continuous integration and continuous delivery of projects, regardless of the platform you are working on. It is a free source that can handle any kind of build or

By |2023-01-17T20:17:56+05:3010 January 2017|Comments Off on Jenkins – Installing and setting up continuous integration tool
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